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Most parents support the wearing of uniform and we hope your child will wear the school colour burgundy.


The uniform consists of:


Grey Trousers

Grey Skirts or Pinafore Dresses

Light Blue Polo Shirts 

Burgundy Sweatshirts or Fleeces

Blue and White Summer Dresses 

Black Shoes


It is essential that children wear appropriate black shoes to school.


All clothing should be marked with your child’s name. Named clothing that has been mislaid will be returned when found.


Un-named items of clothing will be placed in the lost property cupboard in the Learning Zone and disposed of at the end of each term.

Second hand uniform is available from the School Office.

What is the school uniform?


The crested items of school uniform can now be purchased from 









Where to buy?

My Clothing.png

There are many optional pieces of uniform that you can choose to buy if you want.  You can also buy items of uniform without the crest very cheaply from local shops and supermarkets.

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