Church of England Primary School
and Children's Centre

'Switching children onto learning through outstanding teaching and care'
01303 267802
Mental Health and Wellbeing
Good mental health and wellbeing helps children and young people:
attend school
engage in learning
fulfil their potential
We aim to support our children's wellbeing by providing:
a safe, calm and supportive learning environment
early targeted support for any children who need help
What we provide
Whole School
PSHE spiral curriculum includes themes within mental health and emotional wellbeing
Inclusive whole school ethos – respect, cooperation and kindness
Promote resilience, build self-esteem, growth mindset displays – particularly in relation to praise
Zones of regulation in all classrooms
Promotion of general strategies for good mental health – signposting children/parents
Open –door approach for parents and children – parents and children know they are listened to
Safe Space – in every classroom
Pupil voice opportunities, including school council, Eco council, Anti-bullying ambassadors
Social Stories
Play Therapy Sessions
ELSA led nurture groups
ELSA led 1:1 sessions
Nurture (UK) group interventions
Play Therapy
Early Help
Young Carers
School Health Referrals