We have been approached to ask for our school’s support in gathering some essential and desperately needed items for the refugees currently housed in Napier Barracks.
It is a common misconception that the individuals seeking asylum are given money, clothing, phones and other items but this is not the case. The 400+ men housed in the Barracks have nothing and rely on charity for everything apart from food and lodgings. Care4Calais have some useful information addressing some common misconceptions that the public often hold about refugees which can be found here
We are a small group of individuals https://www.facebook.com/groups/2807044012952495/?ref=share working alongside Care4Calais, KRAM and Samphire to help support these vulnerable people through collecting clothing and other donations, fund raising and helping to make the refugees feel less isolated and welcomed by the community.
There will be a collection box outside main reception if you feel able to donate an item from an essentials list (a new tooth brush, shower gel, shampoo, new socks, new underwear, individual cartons of fruit juice, wrapped snacks)
Thank you for your support
Carol Hughes