Many of you will now be used to representatives from the School Governors being present at Parents’ Evenings and handing out questionnaires. During the last year we have also been offering tea and coffee and we hope that this is a welcome addition.
At the Parents’ Evening in March our questionnaire was about Special Educational Needs - the subject chosen because of its high profile at Hythe Bay and also its prominence nationally this year.
56 questionnaires were completed. The results showed clear evidence that the majority of you agreed or partially agreed that your child was making good academic, emotional and social progress and also progressing in communication skills. There was clear evidence that the greater majority felt that your child was happy at school. Some individual concerns were raised and the Governing Body are addressing, and will continue to address them. There was a very small number of you who did not know that Mrs Jo Little is the school’s SENCo (Special Educational Needs Coordinator). Those of you whose children access SEN support indicated that you felt that you were fully informed and involved in setting targets and understood the support that is in place.
The results of these questionnaires help the Governing Body to carry out its role in monitoring the learning in the school and also gives us an opportunity to learn what you think. There are two parent governors, Mark Wiles and Ian Copley, who represent you on the Governing Body and who will always listen to your views on any aspects of school life.
We shall be in school on the afternoon of Open Day, Monday, July 15th. Do come to talk to us. We are here to ensure that your child is achieving to their potential and has the best experience possible in their primary years.
Should you wish to contact us at any time you can do so easily by emailing or speaking to Sam Brown, a member of the admin staff and also clerk to the governors,
We look forward to meeting many of you on Open Afternoon.
Mary Tyler
Chair of Governors